Japanese Porn and Internet Censorship



Find out why the mosaic censors in Japanese porn here.

While for you in some countries where certain websites are banned, like not very long ago MDA restricted porn sites in Singapore, do click here for ways to re-access your all-time favourite sites! 🙂

Lovely Man by Teddy Soeriaatmadja


Lovely Man Official Trailer 2012 by Teddy Soeriaatmadja

Uploaded by Youtube user, TeddySoeriaatmadja

HK couple share wedding videos with the world


Hope this means well, full report by Fridae here.

China’s Beijing Queer Film Fest – went on smoothly



23 June 2013. A small courtyard café near Andingmen, Beijing, is packed to the brim with a colourful bunch of people who have all come to witness the closing ceremony of the sixth Beijing Queer Film Festival. In its 13-year-long history, this is the first time the tenacious festival held its events in the center of Beijing without incurring any government interference.

The Beijing Queer Film Festival was launched in 2001. Since then, it has weathered many a storm to become a major platform for exchange and reflection about queer film in China. The first edition was shut down on the last festival day, the second edition was forced to move from Peking University to the Contemporary Art District 798, and the authorities directly forced the organizers to cancel the fifth edition before it even started. These actions of the authorities speak volumes about their attitude towards freedom of speech.

Full report at Fridae here.

Ikemen + English Lesson = Shampoo Ad



Might have been the best ad. HERE!

The Roma Project – Lubos

“My dad was Czech. I know nothing about him – my mum just told me that he had loads of tattoos and was often in prison. They had a short fling but then she went back to my sister’s father. When I was born it was quite clear that I had lighter skin than the rest of the family. At school in Czech the teachers used to call me things like ‘you dirty Gypsy boy.’ But then I got bullied by the other Roma kids, and at home when I was beaten by my brothers or mum or step-dad, they’d call me ‘gadjo’ – non-Gypsy.”

A visual narrative project by Ciara Leeming here.

Sex Workers and Disabled People

Sex and Disability_A2


If a disabled person loses their virginity with a sex worker in a way that teaches them about their body and how to please a partner, it can set them up to become a confident, knowledgeable and sexually skilled individual who can proceed to finding a partner. However, if they have a progressive condition, their life can feel too full of disappointment and loss to try to find a partner and they may prefer to stay seeing sex workers, with whom a good outcome is guaranteed.

Check out the article by Tuppy Owens here. A documentary about this here.

Homosocial Culture


What Catholicism and most other modern Christian churches vigorously deny is just how much homosexuality was not only tolerated, but practiced by many of its founding fathers, and the degree of toleration, if not veneration, it received. Afrocentrics often deny that homosexuality was a feature of African cultures in ancient times. And more than a few anglicized Native Americans would be shocked to learn that homosexuals were not only common among their tribal ancestors, but were even venerated as being spiritually gifted.

Read up more about History of Homosexuality and Homophobia here. Taken from facebook page of Alexander THE MADRIGAL

Top or Bottom?


In intercourse between men, one of the partners typically assumes the role of an insertive partner (top) while the other assumes a receptive role (bottom). Although some research suggests that the perceptions of potential partners’ sexual roles in gay men’s relationships can affect whether a man will adopt the role of top or bottom during sexual intercourse, it remains unclear whether sexual roles could be perceived accurately by naïve observers.

Read up more here. Written by Brandon Voss.


Uploaded by Youtube user, Cepheus Chan